Experimental endpoints that may change or disappear at any time.
📄️ Get all feedback events.
Get all feedback events.
📄️ Submit user feedback
Allows users to submit feedback.
📄️ Get instance information
Gets high level information about the usage of this Unleash instance, including user, project, and flag information.
📄️ Get instance information
Gets high level information about the usage of this Unleash instance, including user, project, and flag information. This endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in a future minor version. Please use `/api/admin/insights` instead.
📄️ Get integration events for a specific integration configuration.
Returns a list of integration events belonging to a specific integration configuration, identified by its id.
📄️ Get feature lifecycle
Information about the lifecycle stages of the feature.
📄️ Set feature completed
This will set the feature as completed.
📄️ Set feature uncompleted
This will set the feature as uncompleted.